Year of manufacture
Number of flats
Number of rooms
Bucheggstrasse 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Bucheggstrasse is known as the busiest road in Switzerland. The structure, which is over a hundred metres long and made of clinker brick, not only serves as a noise barrier, but also as a residential building for 130 students. Completed in 2020, the terraced building stretches along Bucheggstrasse and is graded to follow the terrain. Each gradation corresponds to a part of the house, in which two maisonette flats are arranged one above the other. Two flats are connected to each other via a shared loggia. The brick building not only includes various student rooms, but also offers attractive space to local commercial operators on the ground floor. The uses range from daycare centres to yoga studio / life coaching spaces to a dance school.
Contact for students
WOKO Studentische Wohngenossenschaft